Who we are

Welcome to the FIRE a Cardano Stake Pool!

We are dedicated to the blockchain and its possibilities. In particular, Cardano, a 3rd generation blockchain and cryptocurrency.

For most people, cryptocurrencies are simply a strange occurrence from the crossroads of the financial world and the Internet. A curiosity that we occasionally hear about from the news when prices go crazy once again. From this strange world, most people are at best familiar with Bitcoin, and probably not with the other more recent developments.

This is a mistake!

This does an injustice to Bitcoin as well as to the many innovative projects, above all Cardano.

The FIRE Pool

FIRE stands for Financial Revolution. What this admittedly unusual name is all about, everyone might already have guessed after reading the above lines. It is not the refuge of the creators of this pool. We see cryptocurrencies, which are not subject to censorship, which are not controlled by anyone except the users, as a way out, a refuge from the problems that have been brought upon us by the conventional financial system.

On the Pool page we explain what Staking is and how you can support us.

Pool Details

Pool ID
Pool Name
Relay Nodes 2 Relay Nodes | HW configuration CPU:4core|RAM:12GB|SSD:128GB
Producer Node 1 Block Producer | HW configuration CPU:4core|RAM:12GB|SSD:128GB
Pool ROA Lifetime